Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Was tagged by Fion. . But I've just realised it today. . . LOL. .

Rules & Regulations:

Do not copy answers
Tag questions must be 100% same
Tag people before doing the tag

I tag:

1. Charlene
2. Jesse
3. Sarah
4. Vanessa Chua
5. Gia
6. Zoe Lee
7. Ashley Lee
8. Nicole Teo
9. Joash

How do you know 1?
` Lodge

What would you do if you never meet 2?
` My music life will be less fun? ;)

What would you do if 3 & 4 dated?
` O.O

Would 5 & 6 make a good couple?
` YEAH. . hahahaha! :)

Do you think 7 is attractive?
` yeah. in his own ways. :)

Tell me something about 9
` He is tall. :)

What's 1's favourite past time?
` smoking? hahaha.

What language does 2 speak?
` English,bahasa melayu

Who is 3 going out with?
` I don't know.

How old is 4?
` 13 years old. . =)

When was the last time you talked to 5?
` I don't remember.

Who is 6's favourite singer?
` paramore? ;)

Would you date 7?
` Why not? LOL.

Is 8 single?
` I am not sure.

What's 9's last name?
` Xing chern. =)

Would you consider being in a relationship with 1?
` No! LOL.

Which school does 2 go to?
` Lodge.

What do you like about 3?
` a great musician and artist. =)

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