Wednesday, January 28, 2009


I wanna celebrate CNY. .
I want to hear fireworks exploding.
I wanna go visiting with friends.
I wanna gamble.
I wanna drink and eat bbq pork.
I wanna be at home. . .

Sunday, January 25, 2009

Hello People

Hi everyone.
I am in Switzerland right now.
Will start updating my blog next week.
Currently using the hotels computer to log in my blog once in a while.
So yeah. . .
For now,I would like to wish everyone Happy Chinese New Year.
Do enjoy yourseles alright?
Take care and God bless.

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

What a night. . =)

I just wanna say thanks guys for making a farewell party for me.
Thank you Alyssa,Andrea,Charley,Charlene,Jocelyn,Sheryl,Aelred,
Adrenne,Cheryl,Eileen,Cherrie and Jeremy.

You guys rock!
See ya'll at the airport.
Thank you once again.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Tagged by Nathania Goh. . . :D

001. Real name: Sharifah Nur Annissa Binti Wan Mohamad
002. Nicknames: Sha, Sha Ann, Patchy, Ann.
003. Married: Yes,I am.
004. Zodiac sign: Cancer
005. Male or female: Female
006. Age: 18 this year.
007. High school: Lodge
008. College: Swiss Hotel Management School
009. Residence: Kuching.
010. Hair color: Black.
011. Long or short hair: Long hair.
012. Smoke: yeah.
013. Drink: yeah.
014. Available: No. =)
015. Are you a health freak: Do I look like one?
016. Weight : It'c confidential. .
017. Do you have a crush?: yeah. =)
018. Do you like yourself: hmmm,sometimes.
019. Piercings: 2.
020. Tattoos: No.
021. Righty or lefty: Righty.

022. First surgery: Never even had one.
023. First piercing: Ears.
024. First best friend/s: Alyssa Mona Mulok!
025. First award: I don't remember.
026. First memory: Huh?
027. First pet: Never had one.
028. First vacation: I don't remember.
029. First concert: I don't remember.
030. First crush: Someone. :D But that was the past.

031. Last time you went out: A while ago.
032. Last time you had a good time: Just now. :D
033. Last time you cried: Just now. .
034. Last award: I don't remember.
035. Last trip abroad: Singapore.
036. Last concert: Don't remember.
037. Last album you bought: Don't remember.
038. Last song you played: Don't remember.
039. Last phone call: San San.
040. Last laugh: With san san.

Pick One:
041. Summer or winter: Winter.
042. Rainy or sunny: Rainy.
043. Britney or Christina: Britney.
044. TV or YouTube: TV.
045. Oprah or Tyra: Oprah.
046. McD’s or KFC: KFC!
047. Soccer or tennis: Soccer.
048. New York or San Francisco: New York.

049. Doing this tag.
050. Drinking : Nothing.
051. Wearing: Pyjamas.
052. Im about to: bite my nails. =s
053. Listening to: nothing.

054. Food: FISH AND CHIPS and PORK!
055. Drinks: Alcoholic drinks.
056. Colors: Black,white,blue and pink.
057. Numbers: 4.

058. Want kids: yeah.
059. Want to get married: already am. :D
060. Life: is life.
061. Goals: I have lots of em'.
062. Where will you live: In a place called home. :D
063. Buy a house: yeah.
064. Buy a car: yeah.
068. Lips or eyes: Both. :D
069. Hugs or kisses: Both. :D
070. Shorter or Taller: Taller.
071. Lean or plump: Lean.
072. Romantic or spontaneous: BOTH!
073. Nice stomach or nice arms: Both.
74. Sensitive or loud: It all depends.
075. Hook-ups or relationships: Relationships.

076. Bungee-jumped: No. I'm afraid of heights. =s
077. Shook hands with someone important: Important as in? :D
078. Kissed a stranger: No.
079. Drank bubbles: No.
080. Lost glasses/contacts: No.
081. Ran away from home: No.
082. Liked someone younger: yeah. :D
083. Older: yeah.
084. Broken someone’s heart: yeah.
085. Been arrested: No.
086. Turned someone down: No.
087. Cried when someone died: yeah.
088. Liked a friend: yeah.

089. Yourself: Sometimes.
090. Miracles: Yeah. sometimes.
091. Love at first sight: yeah,only in movies.
092. Heaven: yeah.
093. Santa clause: No.
094.Sex on the first date: That's cool. hahaha!
095. the more you hate, the more you love: Not really.
096. Angels: yeah.

097. Is there one person you want to be with you right now? yeah. everyday If possible. =s
098. Had more than one boyfriend/girlfriend at a time? No,I'm loyal k?
099. Do you believe in God? yeah.
100. Will you tag 10 people to continue this game: I thought this is a tag? =s I'm confused.

I tag:

Anyone who wants to do this post. :D It's all good.

Saturday, January 17, 2009

Tagged by Nathawieee Liew. . :D

001. Real name: Sharifah Nur Annissa Binti Wan Mohamad
002. Nicknames: Sha, Sha Ann, Patchy, Ann.
003. Married: Yes,I am.
004. Zodiac sign: Cancer
005. Male or female: Female
006. Age: 18 this year.
007. High school: Lodge
008. College: Swiss Hotel Management School
009. Residence: Kuching.
010. Hair color: Black.
011. Long or short hair: Long hair.
012. Smoke: yeah.
013. Drink: yeah.
014. Available: No. =)
015. Are you a health freak: Do I look like one?
016. Weight : It'c confidential. .
017. Do you have a crush?: yeah. =)
018. Do you like yourself: hmmm,sometimes.
019. Piercings: 2.
020. Tattoos: No.
021. Righty or lefty: Righty.

022. First surgery: Never even had one.
023. First piercing: Ears.
024. First best friend/s: Alyssa Mona Mulok!
025. First award: I don't remember.
026. First memory: Huh?
027. First pet: Never had one.
028. First vacation: I don't remember.
029. First concert: I don't remember.
030. First crush: Someone. :D But that was the past.

031. Last time you went out: A while ago.
032. Last time you had a good time: Just now. :D
033. Last time you cried: Just now. .
034. Last award: I don't remember.
035. Last trip abroad: Singapore.
036. Last concert: Don't remember.
037. Last album you bought: Don't remember.
038. Last song you played: Don't remember.
039. Last phone call: San San.
040. Last laugh: With san san.

Pick One:
041. Summer or winter: Winter.
042. Rainy or sunny: Rainy.
043. Britney or Christina: Britney.
044. TV or YouTube: TV.
045. Oprah or Tyra: Oprah.
046. McD’s or KFC: KFC!
047. Soccer or tennis: Soccer.
048. New York or San Francisco: New York.

049. Doing this tag.
050. Drinking : Nothing.
051. Wearing: Pyjamas.
052. Im about to: bite my nails. =s
053. Listening to: nothing.

054. Food: FISH AND CHIPS and PORK!
055. Drinks: Alcoholic drinks.
056. Colors: Black,white,blue and pink.
057. Numbers: 4.

058. Want kids: yeah.
059. Want to get married: already am. :D
060. Life: is life.
061. Goals: I have lots of em'.
062. Where will you live: In a place called home. :D
063. Buy a house: yeah.
064. Buy a car: yeah.
068. Lips or eyes: Both. :D
069. Hugs or kisses: Both. :D
070. Shorter or Taller: Taller.
071. Lean or plump: Lean.
072. Romantic or spontaneous: BOTH!
073. Nice stomach or nice arms: Both.
74. Sensitive or loud: It all depends.
075. Hook-ups or relationships: Relationships.

076. Bungee-jumped: No. I'm afraid of heights. =s
077. Shook hands with someone important: Important as in? :D
078. Kissed a stranger: No.
079. Drank bubbles: No.
080. Lost glasses/contacts: No.
081. Ran away from home: No.
082. Liked someone younger: yeah. :D
083. Older: yeah.
084. Broken someone’s heart: yeah.
085. Been arrested: No.
086. Turned someone down: No.
087. Cried when someone died: yeah.
088. Liked a friend: yeah.

089. Yourself: Sometimes.
090. Miracles: Yeah. sometimes.
091. Love at first sight: yeah,only in movies.
092. Heaven: yeah.
093. Santa clause: No.
094.Sex on the first date: That's cool. hahaha!
095. the more you hate, the more you love: Not really.
096. Angels: yeah.

097. Is there one person you want to be with you right now? yeah. everyday If possible. =s
098. Had more than one boyfriend/girlfriend at a time? No,I'm loyal k?
099. Do you believe in God? yeah.
100. Will you tag 10 people to continue this game: I thought this is a tag? =s I'm confused.

I tag:



I miss you so. . .

I miss Lodge's canteen food.
I miss sitting at the same spot where Alyssa,Andrea,Charlene,Charley,Jocelyn,Sheryl and I always eat during break and lunch time.
I miss escaping class.
I miss Cikgu Willie scolding each and everyone of us who escaped from class.
I miss disturbing Cikgu Lily.
I miss Cikgu Lily disturbing me.
I miss Miss Teo's squeaky voice.
I miss Cikgu Chong scolding me for not doing my homework.
I miss Mr Lim's body odour. O_O hahahaha!
I miss singing and playing the guitar with Jesse and Sarah.
I miss Alyssa bullying me.
I miss looking at Andrea being blurr.
I miss hearing the juniors greeting me at school.
I miss getting into trouble in school.
I miss seeing Wayne shuffling in class especially on the class sink.
I miss seeing Alyssa,Cheryl and Fion dancing together in class.
I miss seeing Mr Ling flirting with Charlene. 0.0
I miss Sarah and Clarice hugging me.
I miss disturbing Joash.
I miss calling Edwina Lim a princess.
I miss disturbing Soak Kian.
I miss messing up Kelly's hair.

I miss singing the school song.
I miss being spot-checked at school.
I miss. . . .

There are a lot of things that I could not list out.
There's just too much to be remembered.

sad thoughts.

. . .

Tuesday, January 13, 2009


ok ok ok.

the pics explains it all.

give it up for Alyssa muloks ya'll!

sangat very the vain lar. this girl is so small. but garang. =_= she loves to bully me. =( we're friends since kindergarten.

Friends for life!


We've been through ups and downs together but that is what that makes us stronger today. I don't think I will ever find a friend who is caring as you! SERIOUSLY. you've got my back always and I will NEVER forget that. I thank you for everything that you've done for me. And I am sorry If I ever let you down. . Always remember.

true friends stay. and you did. you stayed with me till the very end. and I am really grateful to have you as my niece and also good good friend! I LOVE YOU MULOKS! hahahaha. =)

The person wearing the 5A class shirt is Sheryl Teo aka Neck!

Her voice is very high pitch one.

sometimes lar. damn cute ok?

I've know her for years already actually but we only got close back in Form 4. She has a cute little brother called shaun.

I wonder If he will have the same type of neck as sheryl when he grows up? hmmmmmm.


Conclusion: Sheryl is neck and neck is cute! ;)

Hey guys,I just wanna say that I love you all so much and I thank you for being there for me whenever I am in need. FRIENDS FOREVER K? Don't ever forget me,cause I know I won't ever forget ya'll.

Introducing: S CLUB 7. . . ;)

Well,this pretty girl right here is Andrea Ng. I'm sure some of you know her.

She used to be from Green Road but then she transfered to Lodge during Form 4. Didn't know she was somehow related to me. Only knew that in 2008. =_=

Oh yeah,this girl hates cats.For some reason,I don't know why.

Conclusion: Andrea is cute! =)

This is Charlene Bong aka Indian.

I gave her that nickname.

As you can see,her skin is kinda dark.

For your information,she's a

Alright,I've known her since Form 4.

We both can basically talk about almost everything.

Whether it's about sex or studies.

Anything can lar.

She's fun to hang out with. A good friend/sister and a ve2ry very good listener. I LOVE YOU.Thanks for being there for me whenever I am in need for some help! I really appreciate it. =)

Conclusion: Charlene is cool! Just like me. hahahaha! =P

Alright,I've known her for years actually.

Only got really close during Form 4 and Form 5.

Same class ma. haha.

She's just like Charlene.

We can talk about almost everything.
She looks innocent don't she?
But the truth is,she's not. lol.
she is a horny little friend of mine. She's tall too. Loves ang mos. you love me also right? hahahaha! =P

Conclusion:Charley is great. Hurt her and I'll kick your fucking dick/pussy!

Woah Woah Woah.
The little lady in pinK! hahahaha.
she's jocelyn.
Good in her studies.
I've got to know her really well in Form 4 and Form 5.
a very nice person to hang out with.
LOOK AT HER AND SAY. . . "YEAH OKAY". hahahaha!
Conclusion: Jocelyn is lame! hahahaha! But I still love you,TADPOLE! ;)

Monday, January 12, 2009

It's complicated?

Who do I really trust now?

Friday, January 9, 2009

I'm a little down?

Well,like every other human.
I do get stressed out.
Some people release their stress by drinking,smoking,fishing, yeah okay.
Being me,I smoke and drink.
Is there any other way to relief stress??
Like a more health friendly things.

If you do have the solution,just holla at me alright?
Jangan malu malu mahu voice out your opinion k?



Thursday, January 8, 2009


Why is it so bloody hard to write a college resume?????????
I'm only 17.
and I've never written a resume before.

Anyone who knows how to write one.
Help me out ok?

Thanks. .

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

A very special day

I just wanna say.
Congratulations Gia.
You're married!

May your marriage bring you more happiness and joy alright?

I love you little sis and I will always have your back.


Monday, January 5, 2009


Had bbq at Gia's house today.
It was so fun.
She brought her friends from St 3 over and also Charlene,Zoe, and me.
We had chicken wings,nuggets,mash potato,snacks, and sausages.

Just wanna say.
Thanks Gia for inviting me over to your house.
I had a great time.

Love you Lil Sis.

Sunday, January 4, 2009

Thursday, January 1, 2009

I got tagged by Vanessa Chua.

Whoever who gets tagged has to write 10 things about the person who tagged him/her:

Vanessa Chua

1. She's cool. =)
2. She's 4 years younger than me.
3. She's rich. =)
4. She's cute. =)
5. She's popular. =)
6. She's fashionable? =)
7. She's kind. =)
8. She's chinese. hahahaha. =)
9. She's friendly. =)
10. She has a cool blog. =)